%A NIM. 08730072 YULINGGAR ADHI LAKSMONO %O Dra. Marfuah Sri Sanityastuti, M. Si %T PENGARUH CITRA MEREK TERHADAP LOYALITAS MEREK KAMERA DSLR CANON (SURVEY PADA KOMUNITAS FOTOGRAFI FOTKOM 401 UPN VETERAN YOGYAKARTA) %X The research is titled: ” The Effect of Brand Image on Brand Loyalty on Canon DSLR Camera “ (Based on research analysis from Fotkom 401 at UPN Veteran in Yogyakarta) Competition in the business world that increasingly stringent makes consumers become increasingly powerful in the market because of the many products available. This makes the company must determine the various strategies to compete with competitors. One way to achieve a competitive advantage in retaining customer loyalty is to create a good image in the eyes of consumers. Brand loyalty is important for an enterprise to face the competition in today’s business world. One way to achieve a competitive advantage in maintaining brand loyalty is to build a good brand image in the eyes of consumers. The purpose of this study was to find the variables that affect the brand in part or in whole for brand loyalty and brand image to determine the variables that influence brand loyalty. This study has two variables, namely the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). The independent variable in this study is the image of the brand with the type of sub-variables: corporate image (X1), user image (X2), and the image of the product (X3). Meanwhile, brand loyalty is the dependent variable (Y). The population in this study are members of Fotkom 401 on UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. In this study, researcher looking where the total population studied was limited or not much, so the census data collection is done by taking a sample of 50 respondents. The statistical technique used is a simple regression analysis. Hopefully the result of this research will bring a positive impact of the brand image to the DSLR Canon camera brand loyality in FOTKOM 401 photograpy community of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta University. %K Brand Image and and Brand Loyalty %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18690