@phdthesis{digilib18694, month = {September}, title = {PENGARUH IKLAN PEMILU TERHADAP MINAT PEMILIH PEMULA (STUDI KUANTITATIF PADA PEMILU LEGISLATIF TAHUN 2014 PADA IKLAN TV VERSI ?GENERASI CERDAS? DI DESA WIDARAPAYUNG WETAN KEC. BINANGUN KAB. CILACAP)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 08730088 MIFTACHUL MUFID}, year = {2015}, note = {Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si}, keywords = {election , abstention , election advertising , voters}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/18694/}, abstract = {EFFECT OF ADVERTISING ON ELECTION for BEGINNER VOTERS INTEREST ( Quantitative Studies in the 2014 legislative elections on TV ads of " Generasi Cerdas" version in the Widarapayung Wetan village Binangun sub-district Cilacap district ) Since independence , the Election have been held many times in Indonesia. Since then, elections have produced some of the leaders and representatives . Later in the democratic era marked by the holding of direct elections in which the Indonesian people directly involved as voters , appear wide range of phenomena in society when facing elections . That phenomenon , among others, the emergence of a movement called white group (abstentions). White or abstentions group is referred to as the boycott movement against the elections which took place in Indonesia . Abstentions itself is often interpreted as a conscious movement to abstain from voting . This movement arose because of dissatisfaction with the condition of the government. KPU ( General Election Commission ) as the party designated to be responsible for the organization of elections , including the success of the election initiative to create a variety of strategies to increase the number of participants of voters at elections held . One of the efforts of the Commission in the legislative elections in 2014 is to make advertising in the mass media dissemination TV with the theme " Generasi Cerdas" . This ad is targeting first-time voters are first time voters become voters in the election in Indonesia . This study will be conducted using AIDDA communication theory as grand theory and using quantitative descriptive study . In this empirically used a simple linear regression analysis techniques and using a Likert scale in the enclosed questionnaire .} }