%A NIM. 08730089 RIZA RIZKI ISYANA %O Dra. Hj. Marfuah Sanistyastuti, M.Si %T STRATEGI PEMASARAN MELALUI REBRANDING (STUDI KASUS REBRANDING PIRING PUTIH MENJADI REDBERRIES FOOD AND FOLKS DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN) %X A name is an identity to its owner. Making name either for a personal or a company is very important. A good, unique, easy-to-know name will affect its owner like, for example, the change of Piring Putih to Redberries in Condong Catur, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Not only did they change the name but also a few concepts that happened to be a challenge for the cafe to compete for creating marketing communication strategy which would attract consumers. This research is aimed to understand and describe the marketing strategy through the rebranding of Piring Putih to Redberries Cafe which increased selling point. The concept of rebranding symbolizes the character of market segment. Logo treats as a face. Each person can be easily recognized by looking at their face since the face and the name turn to be an identity for a company. When an identity name has been branded, it will be easier to achieve its market target as wished. %K Brand, Rebranding, and Marketing Strategy %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18695