%A Sri Utami ZULIANA %J Kaunia Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi %T PENERAPAN GLOBAL RIDGE-REGRESSION PADA PERAMALAN DATA TIME SERIES NON LINEAR STUDI KASUS : PEMODELAN NILAI TUKAR US DOLAR TERHADAP RUPIAH %X Time series modelling has two types i.e. linear and non-linear. Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) has modelled linear time series well but has found difficulties to model non-linear time series. Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) give an alternative to model non-linear time series. This network has Radial Basis Function in the hidden layer that provides non-linear functions. The RBFNN output is a linear combination of Radial Basis Functions and output weights. An optimal output has the least square error. The weights are gotten from regression. Global-ridge regression adds a regulation parameter to give the optimal weights that produce an optimal output. Keyword : Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), non-linear, time series, global ridge-regression %N No. 2 %K Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), non-linear, time series, global ridge-regression %P 107-117 %V V.VIII %D 2012 %I FAK. SAINTEK UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %R 2301-8550 %L digilib18718