%A NIM. 11730032 HILDA FARIDA ARIFIN %O Rama Kertamukti, M.Sn %T PENGARUH WHATSAPP TERHADAP PERILAKU TERTUTUP MAHASISWA (SURVEY PADA MAHASISWA ILMU KOMUNIKASI FISHUM UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA ANGKATAN 2014) %X WhatsApp is one of the social media which is appeared along with the world rapid technological development. For some people, Whatsapp has an important role in their communication activity. Among the communication science students of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, WhatsApp also happen to be important medium of communication. As the social media, Whatsapp has changed the way students behave in communication. Some of those who happened to behave overtly are changed to become covert. With the features available in WhatsApp (such as: free call, instant messaging, image messaging, video messaging, voice messaging, and location messaging), Whatsapp has made the students comfortable to utilize it. In sum up of this study, based on simple regression analysis, Whatsapp has influenced students introvert behavior in amount of 13,6%. While, the other 86,4% of the students introvert behavior are influenced by many factors apart from this study. %K WhatsApp, Communication Science Students, Covert Behavior. %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18730