%A NIM. 11730036 BRAM WASNI PUTRA %O Alip Kunandar, M.Si %T KEBERPIHAKAN MEDIA MASSA DALAM PENYAJIAN BERITA (ANALISIS ISI BERITA PERSETERUAN GUBERNUR VS DPRD DKI JAKARTA DI SURAT KABAR HARIAN KOMPAS PERIODE 1 – 31 MARET 2015) %X Neutrality of a mass media is one of the main functions that must be met in order to gain public confidence. However, along with the diversity of the media, many of them override the main functions, so in the presentation has a tendency regardless the quality of the presentation of news. This research is titled "Mass Media Alignments In Presentation of News" is performed to determine how the alignments and tendency of Kompas newspaper presenting feud Governor with DPRD DKI Jakarta in Kompas newspaper in the time period of March 2015. The research method used is quantitative content analysis. Data obtained by observation and documentation during that time period. The research results showed that the chi squared calculation shows that x2 has a value of 0,14286. So, Hypothesis Ho (news in Kompas daily newspapers tend to support DPRD DKI) rejected and H1 (news in Kompas daily newspapers tend to favor Governor of DKI) accepted. It means the news in Kompas daily newspapers tend to support the Governor of DKI Jakarta (Ahok). The alignments realized in seven units of analysis, they are: Topic of News, Source of News, Placement of News, Home of News, Governor’s Depiction, DPRD’s Depiction, and Dana Siluman APBD DKI’s Depiction. Those seven of unit analysis have adequate reliability figures with the lowest value stands at 0,7647 and the highest value reached 0.9411. %K Mass Media, Kompas, News %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18732