%A NIM. 11730135 IHWANUL MUARIPIN %O Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si. %T PERAN KOMUNIKATOR PADA KOMUNIKASI KELOMPOK DALAM PENANAMAN NILAI KEIMANAN (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA PENGASUHAN SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN NURUL ULUM KOTA BLITAR JAWA TIMUR) %X Today the problem of morale decadence become an concerned issue in Indonesian society. The good nation's morale would be the hope of every person. One aspect of basicly good on which the moral is faith. Faith is the basis of religion which not instantly acquired but through several processes, one of process by an education, that is education in family, school, or islamic boarding school. Islamic boarding school is a religious educational institution that is good progress in Indonesia. It is teach the students about religious knowledge. Islamic boarding school of Nurul Ulum has the concept of tries to combine formal education with salafi education. In the communication process, communication effectiveness of the message would be important. Therefore, caregivers acts as a communicator must be to have characteristics which can support the effectiveness of message delivery. Beside it, the other important point is message. The message is faith value. In this research the authors used a qualitative descriptive method, describing something according exist phenomena, the data collection techniques, through field observation, interviews and documentation islamic boarding school of Nurul Ulum in Blitar, who later described, interpreted and reinterpreted. The research final data is that the Caregiver Nurul Ulum have been the characteristics and role as a communicator in the group communication. Caregivers communicate with students in interpersonal or group, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. The delivered faith value is about worship, good character and respect the rights of others. Faith value planting has delivered through the learning in the classroom, unpredictable lectures and good character the example given by caregivers. %K Group communication, Faith value, Islamic boarding school. %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18745