%A NIM. 08710065 YOGI PUTRA PERDANA %O M. Johan Nasrul Huda, S.Psi., M.Si %T INTENSI PERILAKU CRACKER %X Advancement of technology has been used by several people to fill their personal needs, and inflict the others, used to be known as cracker. Emerge of UU ITE 2008 meant to be prevent the cybercrime, but in fact it is still growing by the time. Make use of qualitative-case study approach, this study aim to find out behavioral intention of cracker, and the factor influences this behavior. Subject in this research was three colege students who have done activity as a cracker, and live in Yogyakarta. Data aggregation uses observation and semi-structured interview method. Results of this study indicate that the cracker behaviors start from stealing personal information, to steal financial account information. Cracker is motivated by curiosity, and individual needs. In social groups, they well organized in a community or online group form. Related intention of cracker, in the frame of their individual attitudes, they have beliefs about the negative consequences of this behavior. Social groups provide support, most of them are friends in the environmental education. The ability to hack, heavily influenced by the ease of access to the sources information, which is widely available in a variety of media in cyberspace. Availability of necessary resources, also help the performing behavior. Keywords: Intention, Behavior, Cracker %K Intention, Behavior, Cracker %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18753