%S Bunga Rampai %A Sri_Rohyanti Zulaikha %T REKAYASA BUDAYA DI TAMAN BACAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM MENUMBUHKAN NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA LOKAL MASYARAKAT MUSLIM DI YOGYAKARTA SEBAGAI SALAH SATU BENTUK KEISTIMEWAAN YOGYAKARTA %X The background of this research is based on a phenomenon Community Library (TBM) as one of the movement in growing interest in reading people into reading culture for the people now began to grow and get a positive place in the community and supported by government policies. This study is aimed at explaining the reality that exists today, what is the role of TBM has been able to become one of the components that can enhance the local cultural values as one of the hallmark privilege of Yogyakarta. While the research uses a descriptive qualitative approach equipped with data collection techniques, such as observations, interviews, surveys and documentations with the subject of this research are the TBM Cakruk Pintar, TBM Mata Aksara and TBM Luru Ilmu. The results are found that the role of the TBM in Yogyakarta, which is represented by TBM Cakruk Pintar, TBM Mata Aksara and TBM Luru Ilmu, was instrumental to the increase in the values of the local culture of Yogyakarta. The role is seen in profile TBM itself, the type of activities undertaken and highlight the persistence of local knowledge of each TBM. Based on the findings, the important recommendation that can be proposed is that the role of the government continues to encourage the growth of the TBM and provide facilities to support the activities of the TBM. Key Words: Library, TBM, Local Wisdom %N 1 %K Library, TBM, Local Wisdom %P 254-292 %B BUNGA RAMPAI : DINAMIKA KAJIAN ILMU-ILMU ADAB DAN BUDAYA Penghormatan Purna Tugas Ustadz Drs. HM Syakir Ali, M.Si. %V 1 %C Yogyakarta %D 2015 %I Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga %R 978-602-1048-06-1 %L digilib19228