relation: title: READING RELIGIOUS PHENOMENON THROUGH SIGN POWER creator: SUGIYONO, Sugeng subject: Sastra Inggris description: Al- Jurjani says that the speaker is the one who does know, does understand, and do es comprehend for his own utterance than the other. Jurjani’s statement becomes a part of analogy (kalam nafsy) that views Allah as the only One who knows the meaning of His word (kalam). Because God stands as the source of the utterance (kalam) and He plays the role as Mutakallim (speaker). As mutakallam (hearer) mankind never finds the deepest essence meaning of “kalam” because human existence is tied up by its life, including its language. Being in line with the theory of de Saussure, basically individual parole (kalam) is the expression of the speaker that exists as the phenomenon of psychological mechanism. Therefore, mutakallim interaction with its product and the beauty of language become his own, not the others. It is true when Abu Bakar as-Siddiq recites Quran (early surah Ar-Rum) in front of the unbeliever Quraisy and states that “it is neither my word (kalam) nor Muhammad’s , but it is Allah’s word (kalam)” Is there any beautiful language than Allah’s? Definitely there is no. Is there any beautiful language than human language for God? If any, it is the language of heart. publisher: Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga date: 2014-10-24 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: SUGIYONO, Sugeng (2014) READING RELIGIOUS PHENOMENON THROUGH SIGN POWER. In: Proceedings of the International conference on language and religion quo-vadis language and literature in the religious life? Proceedings, 1 (1). Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, pp. 60-72. ISBN 978-602-1048-03-0 relation: 978-602-1048-03-0