%A NIM. 10150043 NUR ASMAWATI %O Witriani, S.S. M.Hum. %T MALEFICENT’S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN IN MALEFICENT MOVIE %X This graduating paper is entitled “Maleficent’s Character Development as Seen in Maleficent Movie”. Maleficent is the main character in Joe Roth’s movie. This movie is interesting to analyzed because this main character, Maleficent experiences the change from good fairy becomes bad fairy. This change is mainly caused by her love to a human named Stefan and then gets betrayal. The data are taken from the movie in this element analysis is the movie script. The method of the data analysis is descriptive qualitative research. The writer applies structuralism theory especially the theory of character development. In which the theory relates to the idea of character development by William Kenny. The conclusion from this research is Maleficent as the main character in the movie Maleficent experiences of character development. In this story, Malficent experiences two character developments, they are: a good character becomes a bad character and a bad character becomes a good character. Influence factors character development in a good character becomes bad character because from holding leadership and friendship to having revenge and from having love and mercy to anger and hate. Although, influence factors development in a bad character becomes bad character because from having hate and anger to love and compassion. %K Character, Movie, Character Development %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19322