%S Proceedings %A - NA’IMAH %T EXCELLENT CHARACTERISTICS ARE OFTENTIMES SPOKEN BY MORALLY EDUCATED ASEAN COMMUNITIES %X Six Pillars of excellent characteristic are Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring, Respect, Citizenship, and Responsibility . Character/moral education in ASEAN is run from pre-school to university. It has also been conducted and become an integrated part of the education system. Excellent characteristic determines someone’s private thoughts and someone’s actions done. Th e very good characteristic is the inward motivation to do what is right, according to the highest standard of behavior, in every situation”. Th e example of excellent character with which Allâh, the Exalted, has equipped his Messenger. %N No.1 %K Excellent Characteristics Are Oftentimes Spoken By Morally Educated Asean Communities %P 208-224 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION TOWARD EXCELLENT QUALIT BASED ON ASEAN COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS %V Vol. 1 %C Yogyakarta %D 2014 %I Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan %R 978-602-1090-23-7 %L digilib19340