@incollection{digilib19389, volume = {Vol. 1}, number = {No.1}, month = {October}, author = {Muhammad Hisyam Maliki}, series = {Proceedings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International conference on language and religion quo-vadis language and literature in the religious life?}, title = {LANGUAGE VARIETIES AND FUNCTIONS ON SYIIR NGUDI SUSILO BY K.H. MUSTOFA BISRI}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, year = {2014}, pages = {254--269}, keywords = {sociolinguistics, poetic distinction, syiir ngudi susilo, language variety}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/19389/}, abstract = {Almost in all history, poetry has been written in special language, a poetic distinction, which includes special diction, stylized syntax, and certain types of figurative languages. On the contrary, poetry, sometimes, shows ordinary language like what happens in a poem written by Robert Frost, ?Lodged.? He personifies a conversation between wind and rain to water the flowers denotatively. The same issue also appeared on a syiir, Ngudi Susilo, jocosely written by K.H Bisri Mustofa in Jawi orthography. This study is aimed at revealing the language varieties in the syiir and describing the function of the language varieties in the text. The study used documentation method to collect the data in Syiir Ngudi Susilo. The data were then analyzed by sociolinguistics theories. The content analysis was used to interpret the communicative intensions of language varieties. Based on the analysis, the study comes to the following findings. 1) in Syiir Ngudi Susilo, the language varieties consist of the formal-informal utterances, the Javanese speech levels of kromo-ngoko, and code switching in Arabic, Sanskrit, and English. 2) The formal-informal variety is functioned to emphasize the communicative intentions to the audiences, while speech levels are modified in a morpheme, word, and phrase to suit the poetic distinction with the wazan (pattern) in the stanza. Besides, code-switching attempts to achieve the maximum effect to express the classifications of social strata in the community. Keywords: sociolinguistics, poetic distinction, syiir ngudi susilo, language variety} }