%A NIM. 11710074 AMELIA ISNAENI %O Dr. Erika Styanti Kusumputri, M.Si %T PERAN WORK-LIFE BALANCE TERHADAP KESEHATAN MENTAL DENGAN GENDER SEBAGAI MODERATOR PADA PERAWAT DI RS X YOGAYAKARTA %X This research had purpose to understand the role of work life balance to mental health by using gender as moderator in nurses at X hospital Yogyakarta. Sample was taken by cluster random sampling, with 123 nurses in public hospital in yogyakarta. Measurement was done by using mental health scale and work life balance. Statistical analysis methods which was used is subgroups and moderated regression analysis. The result of statistical analysis showed that R2 in female 0,230 and result of moderated regression analysis F=397.058 by using p=0,000, it meant that work life balance was high, mental health was low, so it would differentiate gender. As a conclusion, hypothesis of this research was accepted. %K work life balance, mental health, gender, nurse %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19419