%A NIM. 11710076 ANISAH ZAQIYATUDDINNI %O Maya Fitria, S.Psi, Psi, M.A %T REGULASI EMOSI REMAJA PUTRI TUNANETRA KETIKA MENGALAMI MENSTRUASI %X This research has main to know deeply about the emotional regulation to blind teenager that got menstruation. In this research there are two informas that have the caracteristics: inborn dan non-inborn, has been menstruation, and live at dormitory of YAKETUNIS (The Moslem Fundation For The Welfare Of The Blind) Yogyakarta. The method to collect the data is interview, observation and documentation. The data is analysed by using data organization which is got in this research that show the informants are able to regulate their emotion. The result of this research show that the representation of informants, emotion regulation when getting menstruation. The effort that is done by informants to stabilize tho emotin is by regulating their emotin. The emotional regulation process is influenced by factors such as age factor, cognitive, social environment, culture, religion and spiritual. %K The Emotional Regulation, The blind Female Teenagers, menstruation %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19420