%A NIM. 11690008 AZMAH MARVAVILHA %O Ika Kartika, M.Pd.Si %T PENGEMBANGAN BUKU PANDUAN EKSPERIMEN DENGAN KONTEN INTEGRASI INTERKONEKSI MATERI OPTIKA GEOMETRI UNTUK MA KELAS X %X This research purpose to (1) developing experiment guidebook contains integrated-interconnected on the subject of geometrical optics, (2) knowing quality of experiment guidebook based on material expert, (3) knowing respons of student and enforceability of experiment guidebook contains integratedinterconnected on the subject geometrical optics. This research is R&D research with procedural model, adapting development procedure of Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel with 4 steps, those are define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research was carried out until developstep at wide trial. The research instrument used are criticismand suggestion sheet for validator, skoring quality sheet of experiment guidebook using Likert scale in checlistform for material expert,media expert, integrationinterconnection expert, and MA physics teachers,questionnare sheet of students‟s responses using Likert scale in checklist form,and observationsheet for experiment guidebook using Guttman scale in checklist form. The result of the developed research is experiment guidebook contains integrated-interconnected on the subject of geometrical optics for MA class X. The quality of experiment guidebook based on material expert, media expert, integration-interconnection expert and MA physics teacher overall has very good quality,with a sequential average score are 3,50; 3,71; 3,72, and 3,67. The student responses toward the experiment guidebook either in limited trial or wide trial are agree with the whole sequential average are 3,10 and 3,14. The enforceability experiment guidebook at limited trialwas carried out with sequential average score is 0,58, and at wide trial was carried out with sequential average score are 0,83 (first group) and 0,88 (second group). The resultof this research shows that experiment guidebook which has developed can be used as one of sources in learnimg for MA students class X. %K experiment guidebook, integrated-interconnected, geometrical Optics, Panduan Eksperimen, Integrasi Interkoneksi, Optika Geometri %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19503