%A NIM. 11730011 RAHMAT EKO BUDI LAKSONO %O Drs. Bono Setyo, M.Si. %T MORAL SOSIAL DAN MORAL RELIGI DALAM SINETRON TELEVISI (Analisa Isi Sinetron “Preman Pensiun 2” di Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia) %X Soap opera become test material research with the title SOCIAL MORALS AND RELIGIOUS MORALS IN TELEVISION SOAP OPERA (Content Analysis Soap Opera "Preman Pensiun 2" in RCTI). The research methods used quantitative. The collection of data used data observation, data documentation literature. Based on calculations of researchers showed that the value of x2 has a value of 0.2. Thus, then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. It means that the hypothesis Ho (No social morals contained in the soap opera Preman Pensiun 2) is rejected and H1 (There is social morals contained in the soap opera Thugs Pension 2) is accepted. Social morals contained in the soap opera Preman Pensiun 2 advising dominates with the result 32.38% from the seven existing social morals. Then the second most mutual help and religious morals get result respectively 16.55%, furthermore concerned fellow with the number 15.10%, harmony 7.92%, affection 7.19% and the latest cooperation with the result 4.31% . Keyword : television, social morals, religious morals, opera %K television, social morals, religious morals, opera %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19611