%A NIM. 11650026 SUBKHAN INDRA GUNAWAN %O Agus Mulyanto, M. Kom %T PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM MENGGUNAKAN MODEL EXTREME PROGRAMMING PADA SISTEM INFORMASI PEMETAAN POTENSI PERTANIAN %X The agriculture sector has an important role for Indonesian economy. Magelang Regency has agricultural potention support by potential agrarial areas. Better management of the agricultural sector can increase economy, both in terms of employment and self-sufficiency. Related to agricultural management, information technology can be used. Development Sistem method used in this research is the Extreme Programming. Extreme programming, developed from Agile Software Development, which suitable in the development of small-scale and dynamic systems to rapid change. This method has four stages: planning, design, coding, and testing. Agricultural potential mapping information system which has created, have features such as a map showing the spatial data that combined with attribute data. Data attributes that are made are also displayed in tables and graphs. This system can provide an option to display agricultural data in a more attractive way. %K Agriculture, Extreme Programming, Geographic Information System, Information Systems, Web GIS %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19641