%A NIM. 11650032 MUHAMMAD ERIC ARVANNY %O Mustakim %T APLIKASI SISTEM KEHADIRAN SISWA MENGGUNAKAN RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) DI SMK MA’ARIF NU 1 KEMBARAN %X Presence system is an attendance system which is used for an institution or agency .Pencatatan student attendance is an important factor in the management of human resources. Detailed information about student attendance can determine student achievement, student productivity or progress schoolgirl agencies.With the help of RFID technology is very suitable to be applied in schools as a tool for students to menggantikaan Presence Presence manual because of the many benefits of RFID technology compared Presence Presence system manual The aim is to design and implement a student attendance system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in SMK Maarif NU 1 kembaran, Banyumas order directly terealisai. the method used to construct the model spiral. Spiral model is a software process model that evolutionary stringing iterative nature of prototyping by means of control and systematic aspects of the linear sequential model which in its existing 5 in the evaluation phase for each process, namely planning, risk analysis, perekaayasaan, construction and user evaluation. The results of all processes can create RFID-based attendance system instead of manual Presence system, the system wake-up can prevent fraud in terms of recording and data processing presence and facilitate conduct Presence Presence system than the previous manual. admin functionality test of 100% and 90% admin usability testing and user usability 87% %K Presence-System, RFID, SMK Ma’arif NU. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19642