@phdthesis{digilib19644, month = {January}, title = {ANALISIS FAKTOR USABILITAS PADA SISTEM INFORMASI KONSULTASI BELAJAR SISWA PEMERINTAHAN KOTA YOGYAKARTA BERDASARKAN MCCALL'S QUALITY FACTOR}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 11651002 LISDIANAWATI}, year = {2016}, note = {Agung Fatwanto Ph.D.}, keywords = {Information System of Students Learning Consultancy in Yogyakarta. Quality Theory of McCall?s. Software Analysis. Usability.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/19644/}, abstract = {In education, it is a must to follow modernitation and the technology of information and communication progress. The transformation from conventional era to digital era it may easily develop education using the application created. Online student learning consultancy application which is owned by Yogyakarta government is to facilitate teaching learning process between teacher and students without having face to face meeting. In this research, it uses Quality theory of McCalls and it has been done by measuring two matrixes. They are the facility of system operating (Operability matrix) and how far the system could help the users in operating system (Training matrix). Based on the research result, it was found that the operability matrix result is 68.48\% {$\pm$} 16.97\% and the result of KBS features related to the informant is 79.77\% {$\pm$} 11.93\%. While, the training matrix using KBS system related to the students is 11.82 seconds {$\pm$} 7.05 seconds and the result of KBS system related to the informant is 9.13 seconds {$\pm$} 5.8 seconds.} }