%A NIM. 1320011021 MUTTY HARIYATI %O DR Nurul Hak, M. Hum %T KETERAMPILAN LITERASI INFORMASI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL EMPOWERING EIGHT: STUDI PADA DIGITAL NATIVES DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA SURABAYA %X Implementation of information literacy in UK Petra Surabaya has been carried out since 1994. In the process of LI implementation, it is deemed important to conduct a research on the mastery of literacy skills by using empowering eight model. Related to it, research problems are formulated as (1) How is the mastery of information literacy skill by using Empowering Eight model on digital native librarians of Petra Christian University Library? (2) What efforts have Petra Christian University Library made in optimizing information literacy of the digital native librarians? This is a descriptive qualitative research with observation, interview and documentation as data collection technique. Purposive sampling technique was used as sampling technique. 6 informants with categories of 1 functionary, 2 lecturers, two students of 7th semester and a librarian were used in this study. The results indicated that not all components of literacy skills by using model of Empowering Eight were mastered by Digital Native. The components that have not been mastered by the librarians included the identification of topics, which is searching strategy by using Boolean operator search strategy, truncation and cutting. Meanwhile, the most mastered component was exploration component of information resources, organizing, information creation, presentation, assessment and application of input and output. In intensifying Information Literacy program, UK Petra Library also optimized literacy activities with audiovisual media, collaborated with various stakeholders and provided facilities and infrastructure that supported information literacy activities such as information literacy programs, libraries touring and promotions. %K Information Literacy, Literacy Skills, Library Orientation, Digital Natives, Empowering Eight, Literasi Informasi, Ketrampilan Literasi, Orientasi Perpustakaan, Digital Natives , Empowering Eight %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19847