<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA"^^ . "This dissertation examined the methodological construction of academic thematic\r\ninterpretations, including characteristics, affecting factors, comparisons and\r\nimplications in the dissertation at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Syarif\r\nHidayatullah Jakarta. The background was the contemporary scholars’ overwhelming\r\ninterest in the use of thematic method (mawdu>‘i>) due to the need for more practical\r\ninterpretation methods to solve problems and capture the theme of unity in the Qur’an.\r\nThis phenomenon was also seen in the study of the Qur’an in PTAIN, particularly in\r\nthe form of a dissertation.\r\nThis research was the study of literature in the realm of philosophy\r\n(epistemology) with the perspective of the theory of ‘power’ of Michel Foucault which\r\nputs thematic interpretation in the framework as a discourse (relations and social\r\npractices) in a particular society. The primary data source in this study was the\r\ndissertation concerning thematic interpretation at UIN Yogyakarta and UIN Jakarta\r\nbetween the years 1989-2011 with a sample of each of the four dissertations. Data\r\ncollected were analyzed using discourse analysis.\r\nThis study showed that academic thematic interpretation was collaboration\r\nbetween the thematic methods in the study of the Qur’an and qualitative research\r\nmethodologies. Paradigmatic framework of the Qur’an as a guide, the unity of content\r\nand themes of the Qur’an, the textual/literary Qur’an, the historicity of the Qur’an, and\r\nthe Qur’an as the subject of qualitative research were not opposed to each other, but\r\ncollaborated to achieve the mission of capturing the integrity of the message of the\r\nQur’an. New theories were used to supplement the paradigmatic framework to get the\r\ncomprehensive and integrative-interconnected interpretation. This interpretation was\r\nprepared by a variety of methods or approaches that fit in understanding passages in a\r\nparticular theme, such as semantics, semiotics, hermeneutics, content analysis, and so\r\non. Al-Farmawi’s formulation was not dominant in academic thematic interpretation\r\nsince shifted by the collaboration between a variety of methods or approaches in the\r\nqualitative realm. Hasan Hanafi’s formulation had not been elaborated in this academic\r\nthematic interpretation, either. However, the influence of rationalism and\r\nmodernization of Islamic thoughts looks evenly on the majority of the dissertation on\r\nthematic interpretation. Trends in thematic interpretation were the influence of the\r\ngrowing discourse, ie, the Farmawian’s thematic interpretation method, scientificallyrationally\r\nqualitative research methodology, and the contemporary hermeneutics of the\r\nQur’an. Thematic interpretation dissertations at UIN Yogyakarta tended not to use the\r\nformulation of al-Farmawi, while the dissertations at UIN Jakarta tended to adapt or\r\nappreciate by mentioning it in the formulation of research methods, or only in the\r\nbibliography. The implication was that the interpreter had different method\r\nformulations, including the use of paradigmatic framework and various scientific\r\napproaches accordingly. The interpreter had to be creative in formulating methods of\r\nresearch and its application in achieving integrative-interconnected mission of science\r\nand addressing human contemporary issues."^^ . "2016-01-26" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PROGRAM PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 0631510/S3"^^ . "UUN YUSUFA, MA"^^ . "NIM. 0631510/S3 UUN YUSUFA, MA"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . "BAB I, VI, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "TAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA:\r\nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI\r\nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #19901 \n\nTAFSIR ALQURAN AKADEMIK DI INDONESIA: \nKAJIAN METODE TEMATIK DISERTASI \nDI UIN YOGYAKARTA DAN UIN JAKARTA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Agama Islam" . .