%A NIM. 1320012039 MARETHA INDRIYANTI %O Dr. Tafrikhuddin, S. Ag., M.Pd %T EVALUASI PERPUSTAKAAN SEKOLAH BERDASARKAN IMPLEMENTASI STANDAR NASIONAL PERPUSTAKAAN SNP 009:2011 SEBAGAI PENJAMINAN MUTU LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN (STUDI KASUS DI SMA NEGERI 12 SEMARANG) %X In this study, researcher conducted an evaluation of correspondences between the SNP 009:2011 to that carried out by the library SMAN 12 Semarang. From the observation, researcher obtain the level of suitability is 91 items of 96 items or x 100% = 94,79% while the level of unsutability is 5 items of 96 items or x 100% = 5,21%. Implemantation of SNP 009:2011 in the library of SMAN 12 Semarang is almost suit the National Standard School Library because it perform only 5 items that unsuitable with SNP 009:2011 and these items are unsignificant matters. The unsignificant matters can be implemented in a short time and do not require substantial funds. The conclusion of this study, the Implementation of Quality Assurance School Library in accordance with National Library Standard SNP 009:2011 at SMAN 12 Semarang implemented almost appropriate, on the part in library service and performance of other libraries. The Implementation category of Quality Assurance in accordance with SNP 009:2011 at SMAN 12 Semarang is almost suit with an average 94,79%. Evaluation results of the implementation of national standards library SNP 009: 2011 to the SMAN 12 Semarang library there are 5 items that have not been implemented, they are the sort over and restoration one times a year, control of lighting and humidity, like to read activities: talk show about the book, opening hours of the library, and the NPP that should be implemented and can increase the performance of library in providing services to visitors. With the increasing of library performance, also increasing the visitors interest in using library facilities. %K school library, the national library standards, perpustakaan sekolah, standar nasional perpustakaan, SNP 009:2011 %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib19913