%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A DWI YULIYANTO, NIM. 10690038 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2016 %F digilib:19949 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Module, Physics, Integration-Interconnection, Guide Inquiry, Rotational Dynamics and Equilibrium, : modul, fisika, integrasi-interkoneksi, inkuiri terbimbing, dinamika rotasi dan keseimbangan %P 131 %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL FISIKA BERBASIS INTEGRASI INTERKONEKSI DENGAN PENDEKATAN INKUIRI TERBIMBING UNTUK MA POKOK BAHASAN DINAMIKA ROTASI DAN KESEIMBANGAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/19949/ %X This research as a purpose to produce a physics module based integration interconnection with guide inquiry approach on rotational dynamic and equilibrium learning material, to know the quality of product and to know the student’s response toward a physics module which is developed. This research is “Research and Development (R&D)”, using a procedural research model that adapted from the development of 4D model, i.e. Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. This research instruments are the sheet of product validation, the questionnaire sheet of module‟s quality that uses a Likert scale and it made in the type of a checklist and the questionnaire sheet for learner‟s responses that using Guttman scale and it made in the type of a checklist. Analizyng data technique that was used in this research is descriptive quantitative analysis. The result of this research is a physics module based integration interconnection with guide inquiry approach on rotational dynamic and equilibrium learning material, the quality of this physics module based on assessment of material expert, integration interconnection expert and the physics teacher classified as very good category (SB) with each score from that expert, integration interconnection expert and the physics teacher in the amount of 3.39, 3.75, and 3.61. Based on media expert classified as good category (B) with the score 3.03. the student’s response toward physics module with the result that retrieved from small scale test and wide scale test classified as agree category (S) with the amount of each scores are 0.95 and 0.94. that result show that product which is developed is accepted by the students. %Z Nur Untoro, M.Si