%A NIM. 12140053 RUNI TRI MAWARTI %O Marwiyah, S.Ag., SS., MLIS %T PERANAN LITERATUR ANAK DALAM MENUMBUHKAN KREATIVITAS SISWA DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK BUDI MULIA DUA YOGYAKARTA %X In this research, researceher formulated a problem that is how the role of the children in the growing of students creativity in Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta kindergarten. This research purpose to describe and understand of roles children literature in the growing of the children creativity. The type of research is descriptive qualitative with a pendagogist-phsycologist. The methods of data collection in this research using observation, interview, and documentation. Analysis of the data is using data collecting, data reduction, presentation of data and verification. The results showed that the children's literature gives a role in growing the creativity of students in the review of some aspects of the Munandar theory’s. An important aspect in enhancing creativity is appreciated character, brave to take risks, have challenged by pluralism, curiosity, ability to think fluently, and have the skills values. Of the some aspects children's literature grow capable of student’s creativity. Based on the results of research there are some suggestions that introduce children on positive things, children at this age have the ability high mimic so that if we introduce a positive thing the children also will tend to follow the positive thing. Research shows that children literature can enhance student’s creativity so the teachers, librarian, and parents should give motivate students in reading. Children who like to read and children who do not like to read have different levels of creativity. %K Children Literature, Creativity %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib20033