%A NIM. 10150039 MERLIA WINDIANA %O Witriani, M.Hum %T THE REPRESENTATION OF MARGARET THATCHER IN THE IRON LADY MOVIE %X The Iron Lady (2011) is a biography movie which is directed by Phillyda Lloyd. The theme of the story in this movie emphasizes both politics and love. The main character in this movie is presented as a superior woman in political arena. Although the theme of this movie is about political issues in the Britain during 1936- 1990, the writer decides to observe the main character in this movie by concerning on characterization. The character is Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher can be presented as a woman with superiority and independence who tries to get the equality in education, liberty and right in her era. The aim of this research is to understand the representation of Margaret Thatcher’s characterization and to shape out the meaning of representation. Furthermore, to answer the research question, the writer uses representation theory by using reflective approach by Stuart Hall. To achieve the purpose of the research, the writer uses qualitative description method. The technique of this research is an observation with objective critique. By using this method, the writer gets the answer of the research question. The writer finds three reflective meaning of Margaret representation. The first is the failure of time management. Margaret cannot establish her time as a public servitor, wife, and mother, second, the reflective meaning is that a family has the important part in someone life span, last, the reflective meaning is being a political leader has big consequence, especially for a woman, because she has three responsibilities that are responsibility of her state, her husband and her children. %K Characterization, representation, reflective meaning %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib20047