%A NIM. 12390097 FATMA RINI SUKSMA AJI %O 1. SUNARYATI, S.E., M.Si. 2. H.M. YAZID AFANDI, M.Ag. %T ANALISIS PENGARUH KONDISI KEUANGAN DAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP BUSINESS RISK (STUDI KASUS PADA PERBANKAN KONVENSIONAL DAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA) %X Bank is a financial intermediary which runs business by utilizing public funds. In conducting its business, the bank is also facing the business risk that is measured by the number of standard deviation. The risk level of bank profitability can be influenced by the level of margin, conditions of capital, asset quality, and liquidity. This study aims to determine the effect of the financial condition and size of the company against the risk of conventional and Islamic banks. The study was conducted at two banking industry because the researcher wanted to know the ratio that has a major influence on the risk of the business of each bank. The data used in this study is panel data. Through purposive sampling technique, it was chosen 26 Conventional Banks and 8 Islamic Banks. The testing process data uses descriptive statistics, regression panel data, regression model selection and test of hypothesis. Simultaneous testing model I, CAR, NPL, LDR, NIM, and the companies’ size have effects on the companies’ business risk (SDROA) at conventional banks. Furthermore, simultaneous testing model II, CAR, NPF, FDR, NOM, and the companies’ size have effects on the Companies’ business risk (SDROA) at Islamic banks. Partial testing in conventional banks, CAR is negative and not significant to SDROA, NPL and LDR positively significant to SDROA, NIM is positive and not significant to SDROA, companies’ size is significantly negative to SDROA. While the partial testing at Islamic banks, CAR and FDR are positive and not significant to SDROA, NPF is significantly positive to SDROA, NOM is negative and not significant to SDROA, and the companies’ size is significantly negative to SDROA. Based on the parameter value, the companies’ size and LDR have greater influence on business risk at Conventional Banks than Islamic Banks do. While NPF at Islamic banks has greater influence than NPL at conventional banks. %K CAR, NPL / NPF, LDR / FDR, NIM / NOM, Company Size, Business Risk (SDROA), Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib20136