%A NIM. 11730049 HANAFI’AH HIDAYATUR ROHMAH %O Diah Ajeng Purwani, M.Si %T NEW MEDIA DAN PERILAKU KONSUMEN (STUDI KORELASI PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN AKUN INSTAGRAM @MD_STORE_HIJAB TERHADAP PERILAKU MEMBELI DI KALANGAN MAHASISWI FAKULTAS EKONOMI ANGKATAN 2011 UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA) %X Instagram application is one of social media which is discussed and favored by most people recently; including indonesian people. from the first time it is inroduced, the number of people using instagtam keep increasing. this could be used as a bussines opportunity. one examples is @ md_store_hijab, a store which sale clothing such as hijab and other. the folowers keep increasing everyday, some of the costumers are university students from the faculty of economy of universitas pembangunan nasional veteran yogyakarta. shopping on @md_store_hijab giving you new options and conveniences in shopping, this affect to the consuments behaviours. Instagram account of @md_store_hijab is a part of new new media suited with the characteristic and the use. As a produsen, instagram account @md_store_hijab take part in influence the customers, The role played by, among others, is attracting the attention of consumers, the consumer interest, in order to cause a desire and a process of consumer purchase. This research aims to determine and to know how big the influences of @md_store_hijab instagram account to consumen behavior. The subject of this research are women students of faculty of economy of universitas pembangunan nasional veteran yogyakarta in the academic year 2011. This research use quantitative metode, and to answer the problem formulation and tested these hypotheses used one type of quantitative research which type of survey research. The result of this research showed that there is influences of @md_store_hijab instagram account to consumen behavior of women students of faculty of economy of universitas pembangunan nasional veteran yogyakarta in the academic year 2011 by 52%. %K instagram, new new media, consumen behavior. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib20146