relation: title: EVENT KESENIAN SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI DALAM MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA DAERAH (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA EVENT BALE SENI OLEH SENIMAN PERANTAUAN ATJEH YOGYAKARTA) creator: FATHAYATUL HUSNA, NIM. 12730004 subject: Ilmu Komunikasi description: In this research, researchers try to explain about Bale Seni event as a media of communication in preserving the local culture. Due to this condition, currently the local culture should be given more attention. The local culture being eroded and forgotten in life. This worry will impact to future generations. Thus desperately needs a real movement relates to the preservation of local culture. For example, some cultural and art from Aceh which is forgotten by the generations. Besides, the values in this culture hardly known anymore. Therefore, Seniman Perantauan Atjeh (SePAt) Yogyakarta held an art event called Bale Seni. This research describes the application of communication media in Bale Seni 2014 event held by the Seniman Perantauan Atjeh (SePAt) Yogyakarta. In this research used qualitative method and in-depth interview, literatur review and observation techniques. The focus of this research is the application of communication media functions. Any implementation of the communications media function in Bale Seni 2014 event can be viewed from any interviews whom interviewed by researcher. In the process, the researcher tried to collaborate between intercultural communication, communication media and cultural preservation. In this case, members of the Seniman Perantauan Atjeh (Sepat) Yogyakarta try to persuade other immigrants who came from Aceh to re-look at the culture of Aceh and it held at Bale Seni event as a form of preserving Aceh’s cultural. date: 2016-03-28 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: FATHAYATUL HUSNA, NIM. 12730004 (2016) EVENT KESENIAN SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI DALAM MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA DAERAH (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA EVENT BALE SENI OLEH SENIMAN PERANTAUAN ATJEH YOGYAKARTA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.