%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A MU’TASHIM BILLAH, NIM. 11360071 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2015 %F digilib:20256 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K kaffarah jima‘ ramadan, imam nawawi, ibn qudamah. %P 100 %T WIFE’S EXPIATION FOR HAVING INTERCOURSE IN RAMADAN ACCORDING TO THE OPINION OF IMAM NAWAWI AND IBN QUDAMAH %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/20256/ %X The distinct opinions among scholars about women’s position, rights and obligations in the social life as well as in the worship problems are still found in the community. Additionally, some people still consider that women are the second-class people. This assumption has resulted in the reduction or even loss of some women’s rights and obligation, especially in the worship that is caused by different interpretation and views of scholars regarding the text and context that develop. In the problem of wife’s expiation who performs the copulation in the day of Ramadan, Imam Nawawi and Ibn Qudamah had the different opinions in the obligation of wife to expiate the copulation, even they used the same proposition. This is the library research uses descriptive-analytical-comparative. The approach used in this research is the normative-socio historical approach that discusses the text and context behind the text. The data of the research include primary sources from the classical books of Imam Nawawi and Ibn Qudamah along with secondary sources as the books and classical books that have the relevant discussion to this research. The Muslims who performs an intimate intercourse in the day of Ramadan are burdened by an expiation that is mentioned by ha dis, is to choose among: to free the slave, to fast two months successively or to feed sixty of poor people. Either Imam Nawawi or Ibn Qudamah used the same Hadis as their basis of the law, but they resulted a different opinion. Imam Nawawi stated that wife is not burdened by an expiation if she performs the copulation, either by her willingness or she is being under compulsion. As for Ibn Quda