%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A TONY GUNAWAN, NIM. 11650009 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2016 %F digilib:20362 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K McCall, Software Testing, and Senayan Library Management System. %T PENGUJIAN PERANGKAT LUNAK SENAYAN LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MENGGUNAKAN METODE MCCALL %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/20362/ %X Use of library management software that makes the user must think more selective about the quality of the software, there should be a clear benchmark of the quality of the software. Software testing is a critical element in determining the quality of the software includes the design, specification and coding. This study is expected to provide an overview the software quality of Senayan Library Management System. McCall method is a method of measuring the quality of software that is the most appropriate, because it gives measurement methods McCall deep and thorough comparison with other such methods ISO, Boehm, and IEEE. This research uses aspects of Product Operation with five matrices namely correctness, Reliability, Efficiency, Integrity, and Usability. Based on test results, it is known that the overall system Senayan Library Management System to the seventh edition of this has a good quality is based on the theory of McCall quality. This is indicated by the test results of the five matrices tested four of them obtained a final value of more than 80%, namely: correctness of 99.76%, amounting to 91.59% Efficiency, Integrity amounted to 83.33%, and amounted to 82.33% Usability and training of 170.96 seconds which shows the value of truth, integrity, and simplicity of this software is very good. While on the Reliability factor obtained the worst result in the amount of 48.16%, which indicates that the reliability of the performance of the software is still weak. %Z Agus Mulyanto, M.Kom.