%A NIM. 1420410014 ASTI INAWATI, SIP %O Dr. Imam Machali, MPd. %T MANAJEMEN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH MA’ARIF BEGO DEPOK KABUPATEN SLEMAN PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA %X Asti Inawati, Quality Management Learning Ma'arif Islamic Elementary Bego Depok Sleman District Yogyakarta Province, Thesis, Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta, 2015. This research is motivated by the importance of management of the quality of teaching as one of the criteria in an effort to improve the quality of schools or madrassas in general. Current conditions indicate that the quality of human resources that there are still many who have not been able to meet the demands of global competition. The quality or the quality of human resources management is closely related to the quality of learning conducted in madrassas. Government Elementary School Ma’arif Bego Depok Sleman also having some problems associated with learning. This study will discuss how learning management in Islamic Elementary School Ma'arif Bego Depok Sleman Yogyakarta Province from the aspects of management functions (planning, organizing, actuating and monitoring) and how efforts to improve the quality of learning in Islamic elementary schools Depok Sleman Ma'arif Bego DIY. This research is a field research. A qualitative approach used by researchers because they can reveal the facts that occurred in the field objectively. Researchers conducted the interview in the observation process and Islamic elementary schools Depok Sleman Ma'arif Bego to complete the data after the previous literature studies. The literature study also conducted in conjunction with observation and interviews to ensure the validity of the data obtained. The results showed that learning management is going according to management functions (planning, organizing, actuating, and monitoring). This is evidenced by the efforts of teachers to improve the quality of learning with a variety of methods that can provide comfort and convenience for children in learning. Among them is a method of learning by doing nature-based learning, learning by jetting method shadows that can increase the intelligence of children, learning with peer tutor, and also the creativity of teachers in making learning module that contains a summary of learning materials to help students learn. This is done based on the creativity of teachers who are trying to find the best way to improve the quality of learning and enables students to absorb the lessons. %K quality management; learning management; quality of learning, madrasah %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib20475