%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A DRS H ROSIDIN, MPDI, NIM. 073644-BR %B PASCA SARJANA / DOKTOR %D 2015 %F digilib:20662 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Spiritual, religious, official performance %P 287 %T SPIRITUAL RELIGIUS DAN KINERJA PEGAWAI PEMERINTAH KOTAMADYA JAKARTA BARAT DAERAH KHUSUS IBUKOTA JAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/20662/ %X This study aimed to describe the religious spiritual development of the officials within the Municipality of West Jakarta, the perfonnance of the officials after attending a religious spiritual development, and the implications of this development for the officials' religious spiritual development model. This was a qualitative descriptive research with an Islamic Psychology approach which combined between reason and faith. Data were collected through interview, observation and documentation study. Qualitative d~ta analysis was done through the following steps: data reduction, data display, and data description and verification of conclusions, involving the researchers in the interpretation of the data displayed. With the indicator framework of spiritual intelligence according to Zohar and Marshall modified with the perspective of theistic, this study found that: (I) Development of the officials' spiritual religious implemented by the Government of West Jakarta Municipatity was carried out in the framework of the embodiment of workplace spirituality, done through the formation of spiritual culture stated ill its programs; (2) In general, West Jakarta Municipal Government's officials had sufficient performance to provide public services, especially for those who had undergone a process of spiritual development. Nine indicators of spiritual intelligence could be used as a benchmark for their performance, although there were indicators that had not fully been met in total; and (3) officials' religious spiritual development by the Government of West Jakarta Municipality had theoretical implications for officials' religious spiritual development model. By modifying the ZoharMarshallian spiritual intelligence based on the dimensions of human religiosity in accordance to Khavarian spiritual intelligence for having a theistic perspective as Natti Ronal emphasized, this study found the existence of "Religious-Based Spiritual" (SBR). SBR is an anti-thesis to the findings of Spiritual But Not Religiolls (SBNR) owned by Robert C. Fuller who concluded that spirituality was not related to religiosity in formal reJigion. Instead, through theistic orientation, the study found that spirituality was born due to manifested dimensions of religiosity in the individual totally and holisticly. If there was one of these dimensions being neglected, the spiritual development is tarnished, too. This was the importance of seeing the spiritual development not only of neurosis approach as Zohar and Marshall, but also of theistic. By basing on epistemological sources of mind, senses and revelatio~ SBR had four characteritics, namely habituation of good deeds, a strong sense of purp<)se, trust and respect, as well as open-minded Four of these characteristics continue to be maintained and developed in the working environment of officials, so it can be used as a model for the development of SBR in the civil service. %Z Prof. Dr. H. Jalaluddin