@phdthesis{digilib21024, month = {March}, title = {EVALUASI KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI BERDASARKAN ANALISIS SITIRAN PADA ARTIKEL JURNAL KONSERVASI CAGAR BUDAYA BOROBUDUR TAHUN 2007-2015 DI PERPUSTAKAAN BALAI KONSERVASI BOROBUDUR}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12140027 YUNITA WULANDARI}, year = {2016}, note = {Drs. Tri Septiyantono, M.Si}, keywords = {Citation, Citation Analysis, Collections Availability}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/21024/}, abstract = {This research aims to know collections availability in Balai Konservasi Borobudur Library as seen on articles of conservation citation journal Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur in 2007-2015. This research just not showed availability collection data based on all citation articles of Konservasi Cagar Budaya journal but availability based on citation Balai Konservasi Borobudur researcher articles also because all articles of Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur not only from Balai Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur researchers. This research uses bibliometric method and the result is rank based on the rule of Zipf. This research is quantitative research with descriptive method. The subject of this research is all articles which is included in Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur journal in 2007-2015, and the object of this research is bibliography citation in all articles which is included in Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur journal in 2007-2015. This research uses population research so all of subject researched. The data collection technique in this research uses observation method. The tool which is used in this research to find collection availability in Balai Konservasi Borobudur Library is using citation analysis on all articles in Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur journal. The results shows that (1) The availability of collections based on the entire citation of journals Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur has not complete criteria since it is available only 18,68\% or 172 titles of 927 titles, whereas, the availability of collections if it is seen from the citation of researchers in Balai Konservasi Borobudur has less complete criteria with availability 36,93\% or 113 titles of 307 titles, with detailed is overall articles of Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur journal have 101 articles with cited 1223 times with various types of collections. Whereas if it is seen from the work of researchers in Balai Konservasi Borobudur amounted to 44 articles with citation as number as 403 times from various kinds of collections. The type of collection in this study differentiated into books, periodic, government publications, graduating paper, thesis, dissertation, internet resources, report and archives, and than standard. The most frequent type of collections which is cited by all articles or articles by researchers of Balai Konservasi Borobudur in the Konservasi Cagar Budaya Borobudur journal is form of a book. So Developing collection in Balai Konservasi Borobudur Library very necessary, especially of book collection because the most cited.} }