<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY"^^ . "ABSTRAK\r\nFilm adalah karya sastra yang paling modern abad ini. Film juga\r\nmerupakan karya sastra yang sering dianalisis oleh para akademisi baik dalam\r\nkuliah maupun peneliti lapangan. Keuntungan lebih dari jenis karya sastra ini\r\nadalah penggambaran audio-visual yang membungkus cerita, sehingga membuat\r\norang akan lebih mudah memahami makna dari apa yang mereka lihat. Namun,\r\npemahaman makna sebenarnya terletak lebih mendalam pada cerita atau plot,\r\nsehingga untuk memahaminya harus dilakukan penelitian terhadap struktur\r\npenyusun cerita tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas struktur naratif cerita dalam\r\nfilm Lucy karya Luc Besson dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme naratologi\r\nAJ Greimas. Lucy dipilih karena mempunyai plot yang menarik, bagaimana tokoh\r\nprotagonis menggunakan narkoba untuk melakukan kebaikan. Hal ini sangat tabu\r\nketika dilihat dalam kacamata dunia nyata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk\r\nmenemukan dan menentukan struktur naratif cerita tersebut melalui dua skema,\r\nyaitu skema naratif fungsional dan skema naratif aktansial. Dalam skema naratif\r\naktansial terdapat tujuh fungsi aktan, yaitu pengirim, subjek, objek, receiver,\r\npembantu, dan opposant. Sedangkan dalam model fungsional ditentukan melalui\r\nbeberapa tahapan seperti situasi awal, tahap transformasi, dan situasi akhir. Hasil\r\npenelitian ini menyimpulkan, dari sembilan adegan cerita yang dianalisis\r\ndiproduksi sembilan skema aktan. Dari sembilan skema aktan tersebut ditemukan\r\nketidakseimbangan aktan, karena ada enam skema aktan yang mengalami\r\nkesempurnaan (peran utuh), sementara tiga lainnya menderita skema aktan nol\r\n(Ø).\r\nKata kunci: film, struktur naratif, teori strukturalisme naratologi, Greimas, aktan\r\ndan fungsional.\r\nABSTRACT\r\nFilm is the most modern literary works of the century. Film is also a\r\nliterary work that is often analyzed by academics in both the lectures and field\r\nresearchers. More advantages over this type of literature is the audio-visual\r\ndepictions that wraps the story, making people will more easily understand the\r\nmeaning of what they see. But, understand the meaning includes deeply in the\r\nplot, then it needs more research about the plot structure. This research discusses\r\nthe narrative structure of the story in the film Lucy, the Luc Besson works by\r\nusing the theory of AJ Greimas structuralism narratology. Lucy was chosen\r\nbecause its interesting plot, how the good character uses drugs to do goodness. It\r\nis a taboo thing in the real world. The purpose of this research was to find and\r\ndetermine the narrative structure of the story through two schemes, namely\r\ncanonical and actantial narrative scheme. In actantial scheme there are seven\r\nfunction of narrative actants, it is the sender, subject, object, receiver, helper, and\r\nopposant. While the canonical model is determined through several stages such as\r\nthe initial situation, the transformation stage, and the final situation. The results of\r\nthis study concluded that of the nine stories analyzed scenes produced nine actant\r\nschemes. Of the nine schemes were found imbalance actant, because there are six\r\nactants schemes experienced perfection (integral role), while the other three\r\nsuffered of zero actant scheme (Ø).\r\nKeywords: film, narrative structure, structuralism theory narratology, Greimas, actants and functional."^^ . "2016-06-29" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . "Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 11150032"^^ . "ACHMAD SAID ROIS"^^ . "NIM. 11150032 ACHMAD SAID ROIS"^^ . . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Text)"^^ . . . . . "11150032_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Text)"^^ . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #21067 \n\nTHE NARRATIVE STRUCTURE OF LUC BESSON’S MOVIE : “LUCY” IN GREIMAS NARRATOLOGY\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Sastra Inggris" . .