%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ARUM FITRIANI, NIM. 12820013 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2016 %F digilib:21230 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Access Ability, Confidence, Convenience, Feature Service, Internet, Internet Banking, Utilities, and Risk %T PENGARUH KEGUNAAN, KEMUDAHAN, KEPERCAYAAN, KEMAMPUAN AKSES, FITUR LAYANAN DAN RISIKO TERHADAP LOYALITAS PENGGUNA INTERNET BANKING (STUDI PADA NASABAH BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI KCP KALIURANG) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/21230/ %X Developments in information technology, telecommunications, and the Internet gives a significant influence on the banking sector, in particular for Internet-based banking applications. One of the applications that until now widely known is the internet banking. Internet banking is present to provide convenience in transacting with through via the internet. Based on data from the FSA development of internet banking transaction frequency in Indonesia continued to experience increasing from year to year. The frequency of internet banking transactions may continue to rise if the banks were able to improve the quality of service. The banks should be able to build long-term relationships with customers that internet banking users that do not switch to other services. This study aims to determine the influence of usability, convenience, confidence, ability to access, service features and risks to the loyalty of users of internet banking at Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Ground. This research is a quantitative research using a survey method. The population in this study are customers who use internet banking at Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kaliurang with a sample of 100 customers were determined using the formula slovin. The results of this study to simultaneoustly indicate that the usefulness, ease, confidence, ability to access, service features and risks significantly influence the loyalty of users of internet banking at Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kaliurang. Partially only variable usability, accessibility and service features that significantly affect user loyalty while variable ease of internet banking, trust and the risk of no effect. %Z DRS. AKHMAD YUSUF KHOIRUDDIN, S.E., M.Si.