%A NIM. 12820074 LATIF BINTANG RATRIANTO %O Sunarsih, S.E.,M.Si. %T PENGUKURAN KINERJA PERBANKAN SYARIAH DENGAN PENDEKATAN MAQASHID SYARIAH INDEX %X Performance measurement sharia-based financial institutions should be based on the paradigm of Islamic economics, not just a measure of purely financial aspects, one of which is to create performance standards of Islamic banking based on the objectives of sharia (islamic maqashid). The goal is to determine the extent of muamalah activities carried out by the Islamic banking complies or not with the code of ethics or principles of sharia economy. This study aims to determine how the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia when measured on the basis of the concept of sharia maqashid use sharia maqashid index (MSI). This study used a sample of Islamic Banks (BUS) to represent the population of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Sources of data from the financial statements issued by any Islamic bank. This study uses 11 samples BUS in Indonesia over a period of 3 years (2012-2014). By using sekaran and perform weighting by simple additive weighting method, showed that Panin Bank Syariah first rank, Bank Muammalat in second and BCAS in third place, which means that the three banks have fared best in implementing aspects of maqashid sharia, then VBS , BJBS, BSB, BRIS, BNIS, BSM, BMS, and MBS to rank 4 to rank 11. However, in its calculations show that the eleventh Islamic Banks has advantages and disadvantages in implementing elements of sharia maqashid. %K Performance of Islamic Banking, maqashid syariah, syariah maqashid index %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib21254