%A NIM. 12820094 ERNAWATI %O SUNARYATI, SE., M.Si. %T ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA PERBANKAN PADA PERBANKAN KONVENSIONAL DAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH (PERIODE 2011 S/D 2015) %X The performance of the banks can seen from the level of probability. Probability of banks is the level of ability to earn a return that calculated profitability ratios. The objectives of this research to analize the influence of Capital Adequancy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposite Ratio (LDR)/ Finance to Deposite Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Loan (NPL)/ Non Performing Finance (NPF), Operation Efficiency (BOPO), and Net Interest Margin (NIM)/ Net Operating Margin (NOM) to Return On Asset (ROA) compare of Financial Performance betwen Conventional Banking and Islamic banking wich listed on Otoritas JasaKeuangan in January 2010 until September 2015. This reserach using time series data from OJK’s three monthly published financial reports Banking Firms. After passed the purposive sampling phase, the number of valid sampel is three Conventional Banking and 3 Islamic Banking wich listed on OJK. Technique data analysis used multiple linear regression with SPSS 17. The hypothesis in this research using t-statistic test to test the partial regression cofficient and F-statistic to test the infuence of together with significance 5%. The result of this research shows that CAR, LDR and NIM variables has a positive and significant influence to ROA on Conventional banking, while at Islamic banking CAR and LDR variabel has a positive and significant influence to ROA. BOPO and NPL/NPF variable also have a significant influence to ROA at conventonal banking and Islamic banking, the distinction between BOPO and NPL/NPF than another variable is the sign of variable coefficient, it has negative coefficient. But in variable NOM at Islamic banking doesn’t have a significant influence to ROA. %K financial performance, ratio CAR,LDR/FDR, NPL/NPF, BOPO, NIM/NOM %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib21259