@phdthesis{digilib21266, month = {June}, title = {FRAMING LEMBAR AGAMA ISLAM DJAKA LODANG (ANALISIS FRAMING WILLIAM A. GAMSON DAN ANDRE MODIGLIANI PADA LEMBAR AGAMA ISLAM MAJALAH DJAKA LODANG EDISI MARET-MEI 2015 )}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 11730065 RIZWI FARIKI PERDANA PUTRA}, year = {2016}, note = {Rama Kerta Mukti, M. Si}, keywords = {Culture Magazine, Islamic Religion Column, Framing}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/21266/}, abstract = {In this everchanging modern world that we live in, Yogyakarta that known for its culture still had a mass media that contains local cultural content named Djaka Lodang. In this magazine that known for it?s cultural reserve, contains a column that?s interesting such as Islamic religion column. Djaka Lodang is a cultural magazine, so the columns about Islamic religion are interesting to find out how Islam is perceived in this magazine. From that, the researcher wants to research the frame in the columns of Islam religion in Djaka Lodang with the frame model of Gamson \&Modigliani on the period of march until may 2015. In this research, researcher found that these columns are made by a sender and also there are three sender on that period, and that the portion of sender?s writings that has been published are not equal. With one senders writings got published five times out of seven or 70\%. The results is that there?s often a writings about hot issues, and about cultural things in Yogyakarta but with Islamic viewpoint. The researcher also found that there are three models of message style that?s used by the writer that is explanatory, logic-argumentative, and narative. From that three models, explanatory style are dominant where it?s often used by writers named Ki Ismadi with his writings about hot issue and cultural Yogyakarta?s culture with Islamic viewpoint. So it can be assumed that the framing in Islamic religion columns in Djaka Lodang are inclined to actual issues and cultures in Yogyakarta with Islamic viewpoint and using the explanatory model.} }