%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ‘AFIN HILMAN AKHYARI, NIM. 12651059 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2016 %F digilib:21311 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K database, data replication, distributed database, Heterogeous, data consistency, Oracle, server, synchronization. %T IMPLEMENTASI BASIS DATA TERDISTRIBUSI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KONSISTENSI DATA KEPENDUDUKAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/21311/ %X Population data is a data that must be managed properly by the central government and the local governments. The development of a system to manage population data that’s not evenly distributed caused many data errors and inconsistencies among existing demographic data. The discovery of duplicate data which resulted in data redundancy, and therefore the need for a system that can synchronize the data in each region existed. By using a distributed database system centralized model, the existing problems regarding data such as inconsistency of existing data can be resolved. Distributed database method that is used is a heterogenous method Distributed Database System. Implementation is done using demographic information system prototype using four servers in Karanganyar Kebumen. Distribution of demographic data using the method of data synchronization and replication system that is useful to overcome the problem of inconsistency in the data, and also to deal with problems that arise when multiple servers are not working. Based on the results and discussion, it’s concluded that the implementation of heterogenous Distributed Database System on a prototype system of demographic information that has been done shows that Distributed Database system can help to improve the consistency of existing data by using MySQLODBC as a gateway to connect database Oracle, MySQL and MS.Excel in building a network of distributed databases. %Z M. Didik R. Wahyudi, S.T., MT.