%A NIM. 12690039 YIYIN EMA AMALIA %O Joko Purwanto, M.Sc %T PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING TERHADAP MINAT DAN HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA KELAS XI PADA MATERI FLUIDA STATIS SMA IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA %X The aim of this research is to describe the effect of discovery learning model towards students’ interest and students’ learning physics outcomes of SMA IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta at Class XI on statics fluid subject. This research is quasi-experiment with nonequivalent control group design. The variable of this research includes independent variable that is a design of discovery learning and the dependent variable such as students’ interest and students’ physics learning outcome. The subjects of this research were students of class XI IPA 3 and XI IPA 4 SMA IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. The data collection technique that was used were tests and nontest with the data collection instruments in the form of pretest, post-test, and questionnaires about students’ interest in learning physics. The analysis data was used descriptive statistics and Normalized gain (N-gain). The results showed that learning physics used discovery learning model were able to influence students’ interest and students’ physics learning outcomes in a static fluid subject. There were differences in the data description between class experiment and control class, the average score from class experiment was 61, while in the control class was 44.33. N-gain that had gotten from experimental class was 0.45 (moderate), this result was higher than the control class 0.26 (low). The average percentage of students’ class experiment interest questionnaire was 68.79, this result was higher than control class that was 66.63. N-gain from the two classes were in the low category that was 0.14 for class experiment and 0.05 for control class, so that the analysis of effect size produces a value of 0.44, it can be interpreted that there is no significant result of students’ interest. %K Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomes in Physics, Interest in Physics, Static Fluid. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib21327