@phdthesis{digilib21328, month = {June}, title = {PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) TERINTEGRASI METODE OUTBOUND TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN ANALISIS SISWA KELAS XI SMAN 2 BANGUNTAPAN PADA MATERI FLUIDA STATIS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12690041 ROIS SOBRI}, year = {2016}, note = {Winarti, M.Pd.Si}, keywords = {Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Model, Outbound metode, analyze skill, static fluid}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/21328/}, abstract = {This research intens on knowing effect of using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model integrated with outbound metode on student analyze skill and the different of raising effect with control class on static fluid focus lesson. This educational research is a quasi experiment with Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The independent variabel in this research is STAD learning model integrated with outbound metode and the dependent variabel is student analyze skill. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. As experiment class is natural science 4 on 11st grade and as control class is natural science 2 on 11st grade. We used pretest and posttest as data collecting instrument. The data analyze used descriptive statistic with tendency central measurement and dispersion include Normalized Gain and Effect Size. The result of experiment showed that there is effect of using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model integrated with outbound metode in raising student analyze skill in fluid static focus lesson with raising level was medium showed by N-Gain 0,61 and for control class that used talkactive metode, discussion, assignment, demonstration also experiment can raised with category medium showed by N-Gain 0,39. The raising of experiment class have different that very significant with control class showed by effect size value 1,31.} }