%A NIM. 12610050 FARIDA AMANATI %O Dr. Muhammad Wakhid Musthofa, M.Si., %T MODEL MATEMATIKA PENYEBARAN PENYAKIT DEMAM CHIKUNGUNYA DENGAN DUA JENIS NYAMUK AEDES (AEDES AEGEPTY DAN AEDES ALBOPICTUS) %X Chikungunya fever is a febrile disease transmitted the mosquito of infected Aedes aegypti and Aedes Albopictus. Treatment for chikungunya virus with only symptomatic treatment alone is only reducing symptoms such as fever given medicine for fever, joint pain symptoms. In this study, we study a mathematical model for Chikungunya fever in the presence of two species of mosquitoes Aedes based upon assumptions that have been made. In this model the resulting point of disease-free equilibrium and endemic, Basic reproduction ratio, the analysis of the stability of the model around the equilibrium point. The stability of the equilibrium point is explained in the analysis using Rout-Hurwitz criteria and numerically. Simulation can be given as a from of a model approach to to the parameter values are given as a form of checks. %K Chikungunya fever, mathematical model, basic reproduction ratio, equilibrium point, Rout-Hurwitz criterion %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib21766