relation: title: STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KIAI DALAM SUKSESI PILPRES 2014 (STUDI DI DESA GADU BARAT KECAMATAN GANDING KABUPATEN SUMENEP MADURA) creator: HASAN MA’ALI, NIM. 08730021 subject: Ilmu Komunikasi description: Presidential Election 2014 became a battlefield between supporters of the two candidates advance; Prabowo-Hatta and Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla. The successful team and supporting each candidate to provide support with all its might. Every successful team has an strategy (campaign) to raise the political voice of the community that supported candidates will win at the polls. Every region has its strengths and strategies in each affecting people in their environment. Included in Sumenep Madura which incidentally is still very powerful clerics strength to affect the sound of the society. For most of the Madurese position Kiai very high compared to ordinary people. This is evident from a local adage; Bhuppa', Bhabhu', Ghuru, Rato (Father-Mother, Teacher, and the Government). Not only manifested in the life of social, political life was not a bit of the Madurese who dipend on his choice or selection leader moslem (Kiai). With charisma and status in society, political communication Kiai able to convince the public in to branding a presidential candidate or candidate members of the executive-legislative political communication campaign conducted by a team of politicians of any parties. His ability to convey the messages of communication to the public on the environment makes Madurese ta'dzim, and what is delivered always get a positive response then mengamininya. In this study, elaborated about how political communication strategy Kiai in the village of Gadu Barat, Ganding Sumenep Madura. Through political communication theory Harold D. Lasswell-reviewed research-descriptive analysis of how political communication process was carried out in the field. More specifically also described the proverb Madura, the basis of analysis. As for the retrieval of data using qualitative research-phenomenological. This study uses qualitative research using the method of field research that the author went to the field to investigate political communication strategy undertaken by Kiai in the 2014 Presidential Election in Gadu Barat village. date: 2016-07-19 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: HASAN MA’ALI, NIM. 08730021 (2016) STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KIAI DALAM SUKSESI PILPRES 2014 (STUDI DI DESA GADU BARAT KECAMATAN GANDING KABUPATEN SUMENEP MADURA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.