%A NIM. 09730007 GUFRON %O Moh. Mahfud, S.Sos.I., M.Si. %T PELANGGARAN ETIKA KOMUNIKASI DAN NEGOSIASI DALAM NOVEL (ANALISIS ISI PADA NOVEL “NEGERI PARA BEDEBAH”) %X Gufron, Negotiation Ethics Violations In Novel (Content Analysis In the novel "Negeri Para Bedebah"), thesis. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2016. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of violations that exist in the novel Negeri Para Bedebah. This problem researchers found when investigators read Novel Negeri Para Bedebah. encountered many ethical violations in the negotiations so that negotiations may harm others, in which it can be applied by people who are not responsible in real life. The purpose of this study to determine the violations that occurred in Novel Negeri Para Bedebah, this is done so that later we can anticipate that these violations in real life. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using descriptive analysis as a method of data analysis. The data source for this study is Novel Negeri Para Bedebah, the novel written by veteran writer with the pen name Tere Liye who has written dozens of novels. The data collection techniques done by the study of literature. This study shows that there are many ethical violations in Novel Negeri Para Bedebah. The analysis of the data is that these violations become commonplace done by the officials as well as by professionals. This is done because of a demand for the sake of which can be achieved without regard to the rules and norms that exist. %K offense, ethical, rules. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib22171