%A NIM. 10730030 RINTRI ANI PARDEDE %O Rama Kertamukti, S.Sos., M.Sn %T MANIFESTASI CITRA PEREMPUAN DALAM IKLAN (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA PIERCE DALAM IKLAN MOLTO PERIODE 2013-2015) %X Women’s image in society is poor and tend to be dominated by mens. Many organisations try to change that image so women can have the same rights in society. Advertising is one type of message on mass media which indirectly help to shift women’s image to get better. This research explain about the manifestation of women’s image in Molto advertising. Molto is one of national brand which happens to produce advertising about women. Using Molto advertising since 2013 to 2015, researcher is doing semiotika analysist of Charles Sanders Pierce to examine the change of women’s image in advertising. Molto’s advertising since 2013 to 2015 can represent the manifestation of women’s image which used to be inferior, stereotype, and poor shift into flexible and independent. Subordination of women that lives in our society dissolves into women’s image that smart, ekspresif, and independent but still have feminine side. %K Women, Image, Feminism, Advertising, Media %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib22178