@phdthesis{digilib22238, month = {July}, title = {RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM E-LEARNING DI MAN I BANJARNEGARA DENGAN METODE EXTREME PROGRAMMING}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12650070 FARIS NUR ZAMAN}, year = {2016}, note = {Agung Fatwanto, Ph.D.}, keywords = {Extreme Programming, E-Learning, Information System, MAN 1 Banjarnegara.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/22238/}, abstract = {E-learning is a media that used for manages learning activity by using internet network, MAN 1 Banjarnegara as the one of the institutions where teaching and learning activities have not implemented E-Learning in the process of teaching and learning activities, where the task or the subject matter presented is still face-toface between the teacher and students so that when the teacher is not present in the classes then the subject matter presented directly forced dispensed and replace to assign work for the students. The teachers also have to come to the school beforehand to entrust to the officer. Their E-Learning can help make communication between teachers and students were kept awake and efficiently without any limitation of time and place. System development requirements not clear from the MAN 1 allows a lot of changes in the development process, the eXtreme Programming selected for developing software for this research. This method has a simple and fast stages used in the development of small-scale systems with advanced aspects of communication involving the client in the process of its development, as well as the development of systems can accept changes at any time. In its development of eXtreme Programming has four stages that is planning, design, coding and testing. E-Learning system has features to upload and download tasks and matter, post announcements, view a list of subjects. The system can be accessed by 3 user that is admin, teachers and students with each privileges and user interface of its pages. From the results of system testing performed for the entire user generate a percentage of 100\% for functionality and 67.73\% for usability of the system.} }