<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001"^^ . "RUPBASAN or Storage Confiscated Object Belonging to the State is a place where\r\nobjects confiscated by the State for the purposes of judicial proceedings. Rupbasan is a place\r\nwhere objects for the purposes of the examination of evidence in an investigation, prosecution\r\nand examination before the court including looted goods declared by the judge's decision should\r\nbe kept. Rupbasan has the purpose of implementation of the management, storage, security and\r\nmaintenance Bashan and Baran in accordance with applicable regulations. Rupbasan as a\r\nresource and information center in the management, storage, security and maintenance Basan\r\nand Baran, to prove the security level of the management information system that is applied it is\r\nnecessary to audit the process.\r\nThis study uses an IT governance framework SNI-ISO 27001 that has been standardized\r\nby the Indonesian government. IT governance framework SNI-ISO 27001 is used as a guideline\r\nand guidance to measure the level of security management of Information Systems applied by a\r\ncompany or organization. This study uses 6 process clauses of 11 clauses contained in SNI ISO\r\n27001, namely, Clause of Security Policy (A5), Clause of Asset Management (A7), Clause of\r\nPhysical and Environment Security (A9), Clause of Operating System Security (A10), Clause of\r\naccess control (A11), and Clause of the acquisition of Information Systems Development and\r\nMaintenance. Data analysis in this study refers to the maturity models.\r\nThe audit results of Information system security are at the level of security with a\r\nmaturity level of 1:53 (Repeatable but Intuitive). This shows that the security management has\r\nbeen implemented but not yet documented in management procedures. Rupbasan has not held\r\nformal training so there is a lack of understanding on the importance of management, but the\r\nmanager has had the initiative to perform maintenance and control of changes that affect the\r\nsystem."^^ . "2016-07-19" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 12651087"^^ . "ERI KURNIAWAN"^^ . "NIM. 12651087 ERI KURNIAWAN"^^ . . . . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Text)"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Text)"^^ . . . "12651087_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH\r\nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL\r\nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001 (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #22269 \n\nAUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI BARANG SITAAN DI RUMAH \nPENYIMPANAN BENDA SITAAN MILIK NEGARA (RUPBASAN) BANTUL \nMENGGUNAKAN STANDAR SNI-ISO 27001\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Tehnik Informatika"@en . .