<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT"^^ . "This dissertation is entitled: The Origin of Ḥadīth: Assessing\r\nthe Accuracy of the Criticism of M. Muṣṭāfā A‘ẓamī on the Isnād\r\nTheory by Joseph Schacht. This study was motivated by the\r\nOrientalist doubts about the origin of hadith sourcing from the\r\nProphet. Schacht proved, with a careful historical analysis, which\r\nIsnād appeared around the beginning of the 2nd century of Hijrī\r\nyear, which indicated that the hadith was only projected to the past\r\nwhich was fictitious put into the mouth of the Prophet.\r\nSchacht findings in the book The Origins of Muhammadan\r\nJurisprudence got loud refutation from A‘ẓamī. In On Schacht's\r\nOrigins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence, A‘ẓamī criticized all\r\ntheories of Schacht. Muslim scholars claimed that A‘ẓamī’s\r\ncriticism over the isnād theory by Schacht was accurate and\r\nmanaged to break down all arguments conveyed by Schacht. The\r\nclaim was the matter that the author wanted to prove its truth.\r\nWith reference to A‘ẓamī’s criticism on Schacht’s isnād\r\ntheory, formulation of the problem was made to figure out the\r\nḥadīth epistemology by M. Muṣṭāfā A‘ẓamī, A‘ẓamī’s criticism on\r\nSchacht’s isnād theory, and the extent of the accuracy of A‘ẓamī’s\r\ncriticism on Schacht’s isnād theory.\r\nTo answer the formulation of the above problems, the\r\nauthors used three theories: the theory of knowledge\r\n(epistemology), the theory of hermeneutics, and the theory of truth.\r\nThe method used was descriptive-analytic-critical. The data on the\r\nthinking of the ḥadīth according to A‘ẓamī and his criticism on\r\nSchacht’s isnād theory were inventoried, analyzed, reduced,\r\nclassified, displayed, and interpreted. After that, all was described\r\nin accordance with the formulation of the problem. Because the\r\nstudy relied on the accuracy of the evidence on A‘ẓamī’s criticism\r\nover Schacht’s isnād theory, in this section the author carefully\r\nanalyzed how A‘ẓamī understood the issues raised by Schacht,\r\nanalyzed how A‘ẓamī used of sources, proposition, understanding\r\nof the proposition, and analyzed the conclusions drawn.\r\nFrom the results of the study, the author found that A‘ẓamī’s\r\ncriticism on Schacht’s isnād theory was inaccurate. The\r\nfundamental problem was that A‘ẓamī’s criticism was not based on\r\nSchacht’s correct arguments. A‘ẓamī only relied on case example,\r\nxv\r\nobsessed with Muslim scholar critical method, and performed\r\nverification with reference to the classical hadith collections.\r\nThe results of these findings led the author to design a\r\ncriticism project on Schacht. Learning from A‘ẓamī’s failure,\r\nbefore criticizing the case examples given by Schacht, the author\r\nrecommends that the criticism should be directed at Schacht's\r\nthesis about the narrators from different schools of thought, the\r\ncriticism on Schacht’s thesis about the relation among mazhab\r\nfigures (schools), and the criticism on the origin of the problem. By\r\nperforming these steps, the criticism will then be qualified and\r\naccurate."^^ . "2016-06-16" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 1130010004"^^ . "FAHMI RIADY"^^ . "NIM. 1130010004 FAHMI RIADY"^^ . . . . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1130010004_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Text)"^^ . . . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ASAL-USUL HADIS\r\n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI\r\nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #22303 \n\nASAL-USUL HADIS \n(TELAAH KEAKURATAN KRITIK M. MUṢṬAFĀ A‘ẒAMĪ ATAS TEORI \nISNĀD JOSEPH SCHACHT\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Qur'an Hadis" . .