@article{digilib22444, volume = {Vol.1}, number = {No. 1}, month = {May}, author = {Abdul Munir Mulkhan}, title = {Manajer Pendidik Profetik dalam Konstruksi Kesalehan Makrifat}, publisher = {Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, year = {2016}, journal = {Manageria: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam}, pages = {1--21}, keywords = {Super-leader, Prophetic Manager, Cognizance Intelligent (Ma?rifat), God Spot, Super-leader, Manajer Profetis, Kecerdasan Makrifat, God Spot}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/22444/}, abstract = {Similar to other graduates of the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching, those graduated from the Islamic Education Management study program are also educators, prophetic super-leader based on cognizance intelligence (ma?rifat)- which is an empirical form of the sense of God presence when the God Spot ? an analysis by Zohar and Marshall- works. Prophetic super-leaders are professional managers encouraging learning motivation and organizing education in more civilized way within national framework. Whereas, the Islamic Education Management learning process is based on the Islamic Education Management Technique and built upon Islamic Education Management Science, that is derived from the Islamic Education Management Philosophy. Meanwhile, this philosophical aspect is rooted on the philosophy of Tarbiya which in fact is an applied Islamic philosophy. Therefore, the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching urgently needs to arrange Tarbiya philosophy as vision accomplishment of being ?Excellent and Outstanding in Integrating and Developing Islamic Education and Science for Civilization? since the Tarbiya philosophy and its derivation are foundation of the mission implementation of ?Developing Education Based on Islamic, Sciencetific, Tehcnological, Art, and Indonesian context.? Without such an independent theory, the practice of Islamic Education will only be a kind of follower instead of leader or superleader. At least, there shuld be an obvious statement that the adopted theory is not against the concept of Ma?rifah in Islam. Keywords: Super-leader, Prophetic Manager, Cognizance Intelligent (Ma?rifat), God Spot. Abstrak Seperti lulusan FITK, lulusan MPI, ialah pendidik, juga super-leader profetis berbasis kecerdasan makrifat, bentuk empirik rasa menyatu kehadiran Tuhan, saat God Spot dalam analisa Zohar \& Marshall bekerja. Super-leader profetis ialah manajer profesional pembangkit motivasi pembelajaran dan pengelolaan pendidikan lebih manusiawi dalam kerangka kebangsaan. Proses pembelajaran MPI bersumber Teknologi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, disusun dari Ilmu Manajemen Pendidikan Islam. Dan yang terakhir disusun dari Filsafat Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, bersumber Filsafat Tarbiyah sebagai terapan dari Filsafat Islam. FITK, perlu menyusun Filsafat Tarbiyah sebagai implementasi visi ?unggul dan tekemuka dalam pemaduan dan pengembangan pendidikan keislaman dan keilmuan bagi peradaban?. Filsafat Tarbiyah dan turunannya ialah basis penerapan misi ?mengembangkan pendidikan berbasis keislaman, ilmu pentgetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan keindonesiaan?. Tanpa teori mandiri, praktik pendidikan Islam hanyalah pengikut, bukan leader atau super-leader. Sekurangnya, perlu deklarasi bahwa teori yang diadopsi, tidak bertentangan dengan kesadaran ketuhanan dalam ajaran Islam. Kata-kunci: Super-leader, Manajer Profetis, Kecerdasan Makrifat, God Spot} }